Packing Slip, Week 13, Smaller Bag, September 24, 2012
Basil – 25g sweet $2.50
Cucumbers – Large Asian and mid-size outdoor $4.50
Garlic Bulb(s) $1.75
Onions – 1 large and 1 medium $2.00
Peppers – hot $2.00
Radishes – Large bunch $2.50
Spinach – 165g $2.25
Summer Squash (.5 kg average) $2.00
Sweet Corn –2 nubbins $1.00**
Tomato – Latah 1kg $10.00
Total $30.50
Note. Cucumber and summer squash recipes are posted at:
**Some of the corn may be too small to eat. Most will have caterpillars or caterpillar damage. If you are finicky, then please give the corn to friends, neighbors, or sell it back to the farm.