Chinese Cabbage (1.4kg average) $8.50
Chives – bunch $3.00
Green Garlic – bunch $3.50
Green Onions – bunch $2.50
Lettuce heads – two $6.00
Rhubarb (500g) $4.00
Snow Peas (100g) $2.25
Sugar Snap Peas (100g) $2.25
Total $32.00
1. Use the green garlic as you would either garlic scapes or green onions. The whole plant is edible, a chef favorite, and a Eastern European favorite. Cut up in salad, use in stews, and use in a stir fry.
2. Go to Recipes using the menu above or click here. Rhubarb sauce is definitely a fovourite. Chinese cabbage is versatile and can be used in many ways.